Fall Creek Monitoring Event Graph

This bar graph reports the raw data for each location that was sampled as part of the monitoring event conducted on this date. To view results for individual water quality indicators, click-off other indicators in the legend at the bottom of the graph.

Event Results

Scroll down to view the event results for each monitoring location.

Location Analyte Value Remarks Location
Davis Road Bridge Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.75 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 317.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 125.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 142.8 mg CaCO3/L
Sulfate 10.0 mg/L Lab
Chloride 18.1 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 3.33 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 3.75 mg/L Lab
Solids, Total Dissolved 195.0 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 23.8 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 31.0 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 1.08 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.532 mg/L Blank > 10% Lab
Chemical Oxygen Demand 5.0 mg/L non-detect Lab
E. Coli 260.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 20000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Barium 0.021 mg/L Lab
Strontium 0.082 mg/L Lab
Gross Alpha Radioactivity 1.19 pCi/L Lab
Gross Beta Radioactivity 1.16 pCi/L Lab
MBAS (surfactants) 0.02 mg/L non-detect Lab
McLean Bridge Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.5 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 336.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 134.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 145.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 18.1 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 2.69 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 4.0 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 13.2 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 22.7 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 1.31 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 80.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 22000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Fall Creek Freeville Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.75 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 371.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 150.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 180.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Sulfate 13.0 mg/L Lab
Chloride 23.4 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 5.74 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 6.0 mg/L Lab
Solids, Total Dissolved 280.0 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 19.0 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 33.4 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.96 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.675 mg/L Blank > 10% Lab
Chemical Oxygen Demand 11.0 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 260.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 14000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Barium 0.032 mg/L Lab
Strontium 0.104 mg/L Lab
Gross Alpha Radioactivity 0.0 pCi/L Lab
Gross Beta Radioactivity 1.11 pCi/L Lab
MBAS (surfactants) 0.02 mg/L non-detect Lab
Cayuga Street Bridge Gross Beta Radioactivity 2.46 pCi/L Lab
MBAS (surfactants) 0.02 mg/L non-detect Lab
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 393.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 130.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 153.6 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Sulfate 13.25 mg/L Lab
Chloride 37.2 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 6.28 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 6.75 mg/L Lab
Solids, Total Dissolved 305.0 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 20.5 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 30.6 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.51 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.519 mg/L Blank > 10% Lab
Chemical Oxygen Demand 5.0 mg/L non-detect Lab
E. Coli 220.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 1800.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Barium 0.031 mg/L Lab
Strontium 0.094 mg/L Lab
Gross Alpha Radioactivity 0.57 pCi/L Lab
Champlin Road Culvert Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 562.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 233.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 275.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 20.5 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 3.67 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 6.0 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 405.0 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 391.0 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 2.74 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.722 mg/L Blank > 10% Lab
E. Coli 480.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 44000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Tillotson Road Culvert Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 579.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 237.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 290.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 21.4 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 2.55 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 4.25 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 462.0 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 488.0 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 3.12 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 1140.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 30500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Como Lake Outlet Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 254.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 98.7 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 108.6 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 12.6 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 2.72 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 4.75 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 9.97 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 32.2 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.44 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 280.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 24000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
McLean Rd. Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 377.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 144.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 170.8 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 22.3 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 3.53 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 4.25 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 21.4 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 22.8 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 1.28 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 140.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 25500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Lafayette Road Culvert Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 562.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 148.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 200.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 56.7 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 5.65 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 4.25 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 46.1 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 58.4 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 4.6 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 860.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 37500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Lafayette Road Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.75 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 296.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 110.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 130.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 15.7 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 2.97 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 3.0 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 12.9 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 20.9 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.97 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 200.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 4000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Freese Road Bridge Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 385.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 133.0 mg CaCO3/L Sample collected with head space Lab
Hardness, Total 161.9 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Sulfate 14.0 mg/L Lab
Chloride 29.7 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 3.93 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 4.75 mg/L Lab
Solids, Total Dissolved 225.0 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 10.6 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 25.5 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.62 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.447 mg/L Blank > 10% Lab
Chemical Oxygen Demand 5.0 mg/L non-detect Lab
E. Coli 60.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 14000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Barium 0.032 mg/L Lab
Strontium 0.103 mg/L Lab
Gross Alpha Radioactivity 0.76 pCi/L Lab
Gross Beta Radioactivity 0.94 pCi/L Lab
MBAS (surfactants) 0.02 mg/L non-detect Lab